Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Uh. Wtf.

My parents think I'm going to get either
a) kidnapped
b) killed by an axe murderer
c) die in a plane crash

at Go Congress. They also believe that all go players I met online are secretly online predators out to kill me/bad stuff.

yeah. Someone convince them you're not axe murderers.


xed_over said...

I have three girls, so I know how they feel.

Maybe you could bring them along :)

ChiyoDad said...

I consume a large bowl of Wheaties every morning. That makes me a cereal killer.

But I'm also a dad and I know how your parents feel. Face it, we think that we're going to grow up as much more liberal parents; but the apple doesn't roll far from the tree. (But I do try to let ChiyoChan be more independent.)

Stjep said...

Axe murderers? That's ridiculous... nowadays they have guns :D